You will need to do this quest before you can continue on with Recruitment Blues as the Elevator you need to take to get upstairs requires the Soldier’s Certificate you get from this quest. You are given this quest right after completing Defiance has Fallen. Rewards: Brotherhood Fatigues, Plan: Protective Lining BoS Underarmor There are two sets of stairs you need to climb as the first set of stairs is blocked off at the second floor. Once you are in Fort Defiance, you won’t be able to access the Brotherhood of Steel section of the Asylum until you turn on the circuit breaker located on the very top of the asylum. Once you gain access to the Command Center, read Letter to Tommy to find location of Fort Defiance Use the Secure Storage key to unlock the door in the basement to find the Terminal password. Take this key with you and access the Secure Storage building outside the little fort.You will find a locked door leading to a secret basement. Now go to the building near the terminal and in one of the lockers you will find Secure Storage Key.
To access the terminal you will need Command Center Password (unless you have lockpicking level 3).
Once you get into Camp Venture, go into the little Brotherhood of Steel fort inside the camp and look for a building guarded by a terminal. You will need to locate the location of Fort Defiance at Camp Venture. Defiance has Fallen is the first of four quests in the Brotherhood of Steel faction series.